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About LivRe!

LivRe! is the portal developed by CNEN - Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear (Brazilian National Nuclear Energy Commission), through its  CIN - Centro de Informações Nucleares (Nuclear Information Center), aiming to ease  the identification and the access to free journals available on the Internet.

The Portal covers scientific journals, magazines, bulletins and newsletters.

Free access journals are spread over several categories:

  • free access to all the issues and articles. Most of the titles are included in this category;
  • free access requiring mandatory registration;
  • free access for a pre-established period after publication;
  • free access only after a period following publishing;
  • partial free access, that means, only part of the articles are available for free.

The following data are available for each title: time coverage, language, secondary sources indexing the title, if it is a peer reviewed journal, optional comments and contents description, as supplied by the publisher.

Beyond displaying journals by initial letter of its title, searches can be done by title words and by subject field.

Searches can be refined selecting only peer-reviewed journals or only journals indexed by any secondary source.

Your collaboration by sending us comments or suggestions is essential to improve the LivRe! Portal. Talk to us, pointing out new journals for inclusion, suggesting new features or amending mistakes you have detected.